Contact page

If you have any questions or requests then please use the contact enquiry form which is found below. Alternatively you can call us.

HTT Industrial Systems BV
Stommeerkade 11, 1431 EJ Aalsmeer

P.O. Box 20
1430 AA Aalsmeer, The Netherlands

CoC number: 34096227
VAT number: NL 8095.33.947.B01

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Privacy Policy

HTT Industrial Systems BV is committed to protecting your personal information. This statement explains our practices for this website.

We gather personal information that we need to know when you submit a product enquiry or contact us. 

We do not sell or provide your personal information to any third parties.

We gather statistical data about our website visitors, such as keyword searches, number of visits, city of visitor and operating system. This is collected from our server only and is used simply to help us improve the website design and marketing. It does not provide us with personal information about our website visitors.

If you send us an email, we may save it if we think we’ll need it to communicate with you. We never sell or share email addresses.

All information and specifications provided by you are received with the strictest confidence.




By accessing this site you accept that you are bound by these Terms of Use, so you need to reconsider these Terms of Use each time you access the site. If you are not prepared to the provisions of these Terms of Use to observe, please refrain from the use of this site. This website (excluding linked sites) is controlled by us. You will agree with us that Dutch law is applicable to all issues that could arise or could be related to the use and contents of this site.

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Availability of Products

References on the site to products or services do not constitute an offer to sell or supply that product or service. To purchase a particular product or service detailed advice concerning the availability and suitability must be obtained.


The information on this site is provided in good faith, but should only be used for general information purposes only. The information cannot be relied on its reliability for any specific purpose and no representation or warranty is given as regards to its accuracy or completeness. The information on this site does not constitute medical, legal or investment advice. Any liability of this site, its affiliated companies and officers, employees or agents of us and its affiliates, for any loss, damage or expense arising out of access to or use of this site or any other site linked to, lost profits or including, but not limited to, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, are excluded.  

Changes in the Terms of Use and the site

We reserve the right, without notice, at any time, to apply changes and corrections to this site or to terminate the access to this site  with the manner and at the time we find both desirable and necessary.

On the site linked (linked sites)

At various points throughout the site you may find automatic links are offered to other internet sites relevant to a particular aspect of this site. This does not necessarily mean that our company is connected to these other sites or their owners. While we strive to refer to interesting sites for you, neither our company nor our affiliates, nor its or their officers, employees or agents in any way responsible or liable for these other sites or any information contained therein, which is not verified or endorsed by our company or our affiliates.If at any time you find that you have accessed another site you received, please return to this site by clicking the ‘back’ button or by  entering the domain address of our company.

Information you provide

By submitting information to us or to send us material, you agree that we have this information and materials may use and use by us does not infringe on the rights of others means.In parts of the site that contain information provided by other users of the site above, we have no control. We accept no responsibility or liability for such information. We reserve the right to such information without prior notice at any given time by us in our sole discretion to edit or delete.


Cookies are small .txt files created by your web browser and saved on your computer or device. Many websites use cookies to establish how users interact with the site in order to improve site performance and visitor satisfaction. Whilst some sites can store personal information this Website uses only non intrusive cookies provided by Google Analytics to help us understand our websites visitors.


Copyright of this website and all material either written or in image form as contained within this website is the property of HTT Industrial Systems BV and may only be copied or used with the written permission of HTT Industrial Systems BV. 

It is never the intention to breach any copyright and as such, all due diligence has been undertaken to seek and confirm permission of third parties to use any additional images, models or written material contained within this website. Should you consider to be the owner of any such material on this website and believe to have not given permission for its use, then please contact us and we will immediately rectify the issue.

Product, service and procedure descriptions and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. HTT recommends that all information and data are confirmed with its technical department before specifying, ordering or commissioning its products or services.